Pontiac Historical Services Automotive Records - PHS
With your car VIN and other information listed below you will receive the most complete historical background and VIN information.
With your car VIN and other information listed below you will receive the most complete historical background and VIN information.
With your car VIN and other information listed below you will receive the most complete historical background and VIN information.
**IMPORTANT** 1961-1986 only
Please fill out form completely for your order to be processed and delivered on time.
First & Last Name
Home Phone
Vehicle Year, Make, Model
Complete VIN #
Your Email Address
We offer a 4-Day delivery for $150. The document's will be sent to the email address you provide.
The information packet from PHS will include the following:
A copy of the factory invoice or billing history
A letter decoding the options (when necessary)
A copy of a dealer order form for that year
Other specific information for that
year and model Pontiac, if available