Download the latest version of the BANDIT RUN APP, available in your APP/PLAY Store! Must be a registered runner. If you are a passenger, please send us your name, your drivers name and email you would like to use to! APPLE USERS: ANDROID USERS: ...
More InformationStill on The Run: It’s Smokey and the Bandits — a bunch of them By Larry Printz Imagine a day at the beach, followed by a night on the town. You’re tired and ready for a peaceful night’s sleep. You pull into the parking lot of your hotel only to find that most parking spaces have been taken by black 1977-78 Pontiac Trans Ams. Another handful are consumed by Snowman’s tractor-trailer. Have you stepped onto a movie set? Did you imbibe too much? No. You’ve stumbled onto The Bandit Run. “It’s fun because we take over hotels, restaurants, and gas stations,” said Dave Hall, creator of the event and owner of Restore A Muscle Car, a car restoration business in Lincoln, Nebraska. Hall and shop customer David Hersey created The Bandit Run in 2006 as a way to commemorate the following year the 30th anniversary of the film “Smokey and the Bandit.” Hall had the group traverse the same route as the movie, driving from Texarkana, Texas, to Atlanta....
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